Disciples' Network

Think Act, Be Like Jesus.

Seven -Days Prayer and Fasting: Financial Revival

By the grace of God, we had seven-day prayer and fasting for revival in our finances. The prayers were a deep and powerful time of seeking divine intervention regarding our financial.

A Revelation of Prosperity

During our prayer time, Lord told us through His servants who shared a message that prosperity is not just a blessing but part of our spiritual inheritance and it helps helps us fulfil our mission by supporting and advancing the work of God.

During prayer, we focused on the powerful truth that Jesus, though rich in His heavenly glory, became poor so that we could be blessed and enriched. His sacrifice wasn’t just about spiritual wealth but also about providing for our material needs to honour his name and advance his kingdom on earth. This deep understanding helped us see prosperity differently—not as something for ourselves alone, but as a way to serve a greater purpose.

Throughout our prayers, we confronted and rebuked various spirits that hindered our financial progress. These included the spirit of delay, which often hold back timely opportunities; stagnation, which keeps us from moving forward; laziness, which undermines our efforts; and debts, which create a financial burden. We had fervent prayers towards breaking these chains and inviting financial freedom into our lives.

Testimonies of Divine Intervention

We are deeply grateful as we think about how God has worked during and after prayers. The testimonies we’ve seen show how powerful and faithfully God is for his people. These testimonies are not just about material gain but also about a renewed sense of purpose and direction in managing and using financial resources for the greater good.